Monday, March 31, 2014

I Am...

We love Him, because He first loved us. -1 John 4:19

Sometimes it's a good idea to sit and reflect on who you are. Our identity easily gets lost in unwarranted expectations and pressure placed on us by society, family, friends, and ourselves. No matter what you have gone through, God loves you and implores you to do the same. He is the first lover if your soul. Take a moment to write down your positive attributes. Celebrate yourself!

This by no means negates the things we need to work on. We all have areas we need to improve upon.  However, we constantly remind ourselves of our failures but how often do we remind ourselves of how special we truly are. This is your chance. If you don't know where to start, read my reminder to myself below. It's true for you too.

I am the pinnacle of joy and an instrument of peace,
I'm carefree, knowing that all things rest in the might of Christ, my King
Everything is possible if I dare to believe
I am strong and mighty, glory rides underneath my feet
I am Gods priceless princess,
 His mouth piece, the pathway through which salvation sings
I am more than my circumstances speak about me, I thrive in the unseen
I am a gliding river, flowing to the land of prosperity, my success lies in my effort to speak my victory, I am a gentle ease
Never shaken by the storm around me but soothed by the calming wind within
Blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit, I am free
Free to choose, free to love, free to believe The debt I owe has been paid by the giver of all God. Jehovah, prince of peace, The Lord of Heavens Armies
I am whatever I say I can be...I Am attracts the words it speaks
I am calm and cool, in control and inspired
I am my dreams and aspirations, I am beyond my struggle
I am uniquely and beautifully me
In fact there is and will never be anyone else like me
In Him my life means everything.

Copyright (c) 2014. All Rights Reserved.


  1. This is beautiful what a great post Christine I needed to read this love ya
    Raquel Scelsa
